
The garden is even more beautiful

One of the things my mom liked the most was to take care of her garden. She spent hours watering it, planting new flowers and I think that the roses were her favorite ones.

I thought that maybe after she's gone, my dad would not be able to take proper care of it, not like my mom did, but I was completely wrong. He says that her garden will always be taken care of, even more, and today when I went there to leave Ping with him for two weeks, I couldn't agree more.

The pictures confirm what I'm saying. I think that this is the only part of the house where I still feel confortable, maybe because it's the only place that is quite the same as before...


Maria Fabriani said...


Kim said...

This is a very beautiful post and very beautiful pictures! :)

Renata Torres said...

Thanks Mary and Kim!