Last Friday we celebrated our Independence Day. It was a long weekend, and we decided to take a small trip to Penedo, a small city near Rio, in the mountains, known as the Brazilian Finland.
We went with my brother Mauro and his girlfriend (my friend) Cris. The place we stayed in was their suggestion, once they had been there before, at the beginning of this year. It was a

really nice place, very quiet, good food... And we were very lucky with the weather. During the three days we had sunny and warm days; at night the temperature dropped a little bit, but it was ok. We had so much fun... This was the first time we traveled with my brother, but for sure it won't be the only one.

The hotel accepted small dogs but Marcos did not want to take Ping, that's why she's at my dad's place. But he promised me that the next time we'll take her. There was a couple there with a yorkshire, so cute, she would be a perfect friend for Ping...
At the end of the holiday we had eaten a lot, drank a lot and rested a lot. It was a nice holiday!
1 comment:
oi querida, td bem? Olha que curioso... Hoje lembrei de ti porque o Globo Online está há um ano com uma área bacana de reportagens de viagem produzidas por leitores (chama-se Eu-Reporter). E lendo os relatos de uma blogueira sobre a Grande Barreira de Corais, lembrei de ti. Mande lembranças ao Marcos e beijinhos na Ping. Bjs!!!!
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