It's a mix of jazz-rock-punk-techno and each year everyone waits to see who is coming. So, this year I decided to attend it, and went both Friday and Saturday. The first day we saw Hot Chip and Arctic Monkeys. It was a night dedicated to UK rock (even if the first band was more related to eletronic music). I will not dedicate many words to them; after the third music I thought it was all the same and wanted to kill time until the Monkeys started.
It was a shame that the concert started so late. It was around 01:30AM when Arctic Monkeys appeared at the stage. The concert was good. They are really good. But we only waited for Fluorescent Adolescent and then went home. Marcos had to work on Saturday, so we did not wait for the end of the concert.

The next day was even better. Starting with Juliette and The Licks, followed by The Killers. I must say: I always liked Julliette Lewis as an actress. Most of the characters she played were deep, troubled, giving her space to show her talented. But I never thought of her as a rock'n'roll star. She impressed me. And all of us who were at Marina da Glória on Saturday. Even Marcos who is not a rock fan, like it so much that was downloading their songs the day after.
It was a great responsibility for The Killers to take over Juliette's performance. They were fine, of course, everybody knew their songs and all, but for me, and according to some critics, that was The Lick's night. I'm glad I was there.
Todo mundo está falando superbem da Juliette e eu estou curiosa. Se pudesse baixava as músicas dela também, mas aqui isso dá cadeia! (ou quase)
Oi Mary!!
Pois é, achamos o show muito legal.
Acho que dá para ouvir algumas músicas deles no blog que eles têm no Myspace.com. Dá uma entrada lá e procura por Juliette and The Licks.
Ah!! Eu!
Me manda depois essa foto, Rê?
Pra mim a Juliette é o novo Iggy Pop!
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