
Finally I finished it

I have finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last Thursday. Honestly, I think the end was a little bit disappointed. I'm not sure if my opinion was influenced by a couple of friends that had already finished it and told me that they didn't like the end.

But the fact is that the book was good and at the end I think the author tried to make sense of something impossible to explain. I don't know, even if we consider that everything in the book is about magic, I think that she could end it in a more real context. Anyway, I think that the 4th book is the best of all seven, it's a turning point in the story and is still my favourite.

Now, I started reading The bookseller of Kabul. It will bring me back to the real world...

PS: I can't find out the reason why the book cover is so large in the picture below...


Maria Fabriani said...

Queridoca, eu também não gostei do final do Harry, tudo muito cor-de-rosa... Mas também, é um livro infanto-juvenil. Imagina se a autora matasse o Harry? Ia ser um trauma pra criançada! Sobre o Bookseller in Kabul, eu já li e gostei muito. Beijoca (te mandarei um email hoje, mais tarde)

Kim said...

I hope I didn't influence you! But I agree with you on the book and the best one!