Yesterday I bought a new toy: a mobile phone Nokia N95. It's also usefull to make calls :) Until now, every spare moment I had was dedicated to learn how to use it. I have forgotten how addicted I was to these gadgets! The phone is simply unbelivable!! Definetly a good choice!
Next saturday it's Julia's birthday party, it will be a costume party. This weekend we (me and Marcos) went to a store to rent our costumes. We did not know exactly what we wanted, and honestly, I did not like the place at once. I wanted to go away the second I got into the store... But Marcos insisted and we asked for the Zorro costume and a spanish dress for me. The lady at the store said that they had the dress similar to the one that Catherina Zetta-Jones wore in the last Zorro's movie, so I asked to see it. It was ok, but I think I will have to explain my costume to everybody at the party. Let's see... Wait for the next post to see pictures of both of us with the costumes.
Ah!!!! Essa eu TENHO que ver! O marcos de Zorro! Hohohohohoh Queridos amigos, ADOREI a foto de vocës ali em cima. Ai, que saudades! Beijão!
oi Mary!
Pode deixar que vou colocar fotos da festa aqui... A foto foi tirada em um restaurante em NY.
We'll have to compare gadgets/nokias when we next see each other. I like the new picture. You and Marcos look cute!
Hey Kim!
Yeah, it will be fun to compare... The photo was taken at a restaurant in NY, last February. I love this picture too.
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